Structural controllability of multi agent systems pdf

Meng ji yand magnus egerstedt abstractin this paper, we continue our pursuit of conditions that render a multiagent networked system controllable. Controllability analysis of multiagent systems using. Chena, fellow, ieee abstract this paper considers the controllability problem for multiagent systems. Singular multiagent systems, consensus, controllability, structural consensus controllability. Pdf structural controllability of multiagent systems. Abstractfor an uncontrollable system, adding leaders and adjusting edge weights are two methods to improve controllability. In this paper, we investigate the controllability of leaderfollower multiagent systems, where the interconnection is directed and weighted. Structural controllability of multiagent systems with absolute.

The notions of p link and q agent controllability in a multileader setting are then introduced, which provide quantitative measures for the controllability of a system subject to failure in the agents and communication links. Controllability of multiagent systems from a graphtheoretic perspective. The paper investigates the structural controllability of leaderfollower multiagent systems under fixed and switching topologies. Controllability of multiagent systems with multiple. In multiagents systems, it is common to let the nodes of a graph represent the agents. Controllability analysis of multiagent systems with. It is closely related to the leaderfollower coordination. Nodal dynamics, not degree distributions, determine the structural controllability of complex networks. Nodal dynamics, not degree distributions, determine the. Abstractrecently, the controllability problem of multiagent systems is signi. It turns out that this controllability notation purely depends on the topology of the communication scheme, and the multiagent system is controllable if and only if. Formation control of multiagent systems has emerged as a topic of major interest during the last decade, and has been studied from various perspectives using different approaches.

On leader selection for performance and controllability in multiagent systems andrew clark, linda bushnell, and radha poovendran department of electrical engineering, university of washington, seattle, wa, 98195, usa abstractin a leaderfollower multiagent system mas, a set of leader agents act as external control inputs and are used. First, the asynchronous data sampling protocols and synchronous data sampling protocols are proposed, respectively. The controllability study of multiagent systems aims at driving follower agents to achieve any positions from any initial states with the control inputs provided by the leaders. Network controllability is concerned about the structural controllability of a network. Controllability of weighted and directed networks with. In such networks, agents can be considered as identical subnetworks. Proceedings of the 2015 chinese intelligent systems conference, 415426. His research involves distributed control, and coordination of team of mobile robots. Pdf controllability of multiagent systems from a graphtheoretic. The study of structural controllability of linear systems was followed by the study of controllability of special classes of bilinear systems.

Structural controllability of multiagent systems subject to partial failure saeid jafari formation control of multi agent systems has emerged as a topic of major interest during the last decade, and has been studied from various perspectives using di erent approaches. This paper investigates the necessary and sufficient conditions of structural controllability for high order dynamic multiagent systems. On strong structural controllability of networked systems. Sufficient andor necessary conditions are established for the group controllability of discretetime multiagent systems, which means controllability with and without input delay is equivalent to that of an equivalent augmented system without timedelays. Recently, the controllability problem of multiagent systems is significantly explored. A new perspective to algebraic characterization on. Controllability of multiagent systems from a graphtheoretic. This work considers the structural controllability of multiagent systems with leaderfollower architecture. In this study, the controllability of multiagent systems with secondorder dynamic under discretetime model, which evolve on two time scales. The concept of controllability from control theory is applied to weighted and directed networks with heterogenous linear or linearized node dynamics subject to exogenous inputs, where the nodes are grouped into leaders and followers. Although it has been possible to calculate the conditions for exerting complete control over a directed complex network, for undirected and weighted networks this calculation is inexact. Controllability of multiagent systems from a graph. Leader selection in multiagent systems subject to partial. In this paper, structural controllability of a leaderfollower multiagent system with multiple leaders is studied from a graphtheoretic point of view.

Some new algebratheoretic necessary andor sufficient conditions of the controllability for. Structural consensus controllability of singular multi. Controllability of multiagent systems based on leader symmetryj. A networked system of the form above is called weakly strucjournal of latex class files, vol.

In this paper, structural controllability of a leaderfollower multi agent system with multiple leaders is studied from a graph theoretic point of view. This paper investigates the controllability of multiagent systems based on agreement protocols. In this paper, structural controllability of a leaderfollower multi agent system with multiple leaders is studied from a graphtheoretic point of view. On leader selection for performance and controllability in. Currently, he is a phd student in robotics automation and bioengineering at the interdepartmental research center e. Structural controllability of multiagent networks arxiv. Structural conrollability of multiagent systems subject. In this paper, we consider datasampling controllability of multiagent systems mass, where the interconnection topology is directed and weighted and the nodes have generic linear kinetic dynamics. Thus for many if not all naturally occurring network systems, structural controllability does not depend on degree distribution and can always be conferred with a single control input. The role that leaders play in the structural controllability of multi agent system is characterized, and a method is developed to realize structural controllability under single leader. Structural controllability of multiagent systems subject to partial failure saeid jafari formation control of multiagent systems has emerged as a topic of major interest during the last decade, and has been studied from various perspectives using di erent approaches. The authors first characterise the systems by difference equations with a singular perturbation parameter. The problem of preservation of structural controllability under simultaneous failures in both the communication links and the agents is investigated.

Furthermore, because structural controllability implies controllability of a continuum of linearized systems 28, our results can also provide a sufficient condition for controllability for most. A specific scenario is considered, in which a given graph topology should be converted by creating new leaders and connecting them with the existing followers, with. Controllability analysis of multiagent systems 101 university of pisa. One application domain is provided by real world networks modeled as homogeneous multiagent systems, such as those used in formation control.

The main contributions of this article are graphtheoretic characterisations of the structural controllability for multiagent systems. In this work, we consider the controlled agreement problem for multiagent networks, where a collection of agents take on leader roles while the remaining agents execute local. Controllability of multiagent systems based on agreement. Hadjicostis, senior member, ieee abstract we develop a graphtheoretic characterization of controllability and observability of linear systems over. Graphtheoretic characterizations of structural controllability for multiagent system with switching topology xiaomeng liua, hai linb. Controllability of multiagent systems based on leader. In 24, the structural controllability, as opposed to the controllability of a xed model, is studied for a singleleader multiagent system. Then we employ balanced partition to classify the interconnection graphs, and study the controllable subspaces with given nontrivial balanced partition. Graphtheoretic characterisations of structural controllability for multi. Assume we can freely assign the weights, we propose a su. Based on this structural controllability, we propose a necessary and.

Datasampling controllability of multiagent systems ima. Pdf structural controllability of high order dynamic. First, we give algebraic criteria to check controllability. We consider a group of agents in a leaderfollower framework under a fixed. To this end, graphical conditions are first obtained based on the information flow graph of the system. Structural controllability of multiagent systems subject to simultaneous failure of links and agents mohammad amin rahimian, amir g. For a multiagent system, necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for controllability. Structural controllability of multiagent systems ieee conference. It is assumed that the leader acts as the external or control signal and will not be affected by any other group members. Moreover, the structural controllability of multiagent systems with a switching topology and the structural controllability of higher order multiagent systems were studied in 23 and 24. Gilbert 1, davison and wang 2, and porter 3 were some of the early researchers endeavoring to develop criteria for checking the controllability of.

It turns out that the multiagent system with switching topology is structurally controllable if and only if the union graph g of the underlying communication. Then, the notions of plink and qagent controllability are introduced as quantitative measures for the structural controllability of a system subject to. Controllability and controllable subspace of multiagent. Structural controllability of multiagent systems with. First, for a group of singleintegrator agents, the controllability is studied in a unified framework for both networks with leaderfollowing structure and networks with undirected graph. Leader localization in multiagent systems subject to. Controllability describes our ability to guide a dynamical system from any initial state to any desired final state in finite time, with a suitable choice of inputs. Then, in order to get rid of the singular perturbation parameter, they split the systems into a slow subsystem and fast subsystem based on the. This work considers the structural controllability of multi. We will show how using linear algebra techniques can be analyzed the consensus controllability problem for singular multiagent systems, in which all agents.

Moreover, the structural controllability of multiagent systems with a switching topology and the structural controllability of higher order multi agent systems were studied in 23 and 24. The study of controllability of composite systems started long ago. Strong structural controllability and leader selection for multiagent systems with unidirectional topology. A graphtheoretic characterization of controllability for.

Structural controllability in multiagent systems is the primary focus of. In particular, the structural controllability of multiagent systems. To this end, the previously studied concepts of link and agent. Controllability of heterogeneous multiagent systems.

In ghosh and ruths 2014b the necessary and sufcient. Structural controllability of multiagent systems with absolute protocol under fixed and switching topologies. Structural controllability of high order dynamic multi. Controllability improvement for multiagent systems. In particular, such conditions are sought for networks in which a collection of the agents take on leader roles while. Structural controllability of a network of singleintegrator agents with leaderfollower architecture was investigated. In particular, the case of a single leader under a fixed topology is co. A graphical condition for structural controllability based on the information flow graph of the system is provided. In this paper, the controllability of multiagent systems under directed topologies is studied, especially on the leader selection problem and the weight adjustment problem. The controllability of leaderfollower networked multiagent systems under the framework of generic linear dynamics is firstly discussed via. The notions of agent controllability index, as well as agent and link criticality index were defined to characterize and quantify the importance of individual links and agents to the controllability of the overall network. Structural consensus controllability of singular multiagent linear dynamic systems pdf. A graphtheoretic characterization of controllability for multiagent systems. Necessary and sufficient graphical conditions are provided for structural controllability based on communication topology of the system.

Under this framework, the controllability of the controlled network can be decomposed into two independent problems. The authors of 1, and later the authors of 2, examined the graph theoretic characteristics required for a network to be controlled by a single leader. In this paper, the controllability problem for multiagent systems is investigated. The analysis of control of linear multiagent systems has recently emerged as an important domain that is receiving a lot of interest from a variety of research communities, and consensus plays a fundamental role in this field of study. A general decentralised systems with two control stations was. It turns out that the multi agent system with switching topology is structurally controllable if and only if the union graph g of the underlying communication topologies is connected single leader or leaderfollower connected multi leader. Group controllability of discretetime multiagent systems. Recently, algebraic characterization of multiagent controllability through its topology has been widely concerned by the systems and control community. Aghdam abstract in this paper, structural controllability of a leaderfollower multiagent system with multiple leaders is studied from a.

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